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"If we have the authority and effectiveness ..."

Cambridge hen party dares candidate for the post of first secretary of the PS, Bertrand Delanoë, Mayor of Paris, Explained to Liberian, ict Proposals and returns to the financial crisis. What do you think how Nicolas Sarkozy marriages the crisis? He Was...

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Edith Piaf

Yesterday moment of rest entre mayor and internal campaign for the selection of the motion That will bring together The Most Socialists, a DVD, the Kid. An extraordinary movie That intelligently traces life of Edith Piaf. It has Passed through Many trials,...

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The state spends what he did ... We will pay more

​ The choices we make at the head of the commune live: has a financial translation. Two levers are used to make The Necessary investments, borrowing and taxation. Every year at the Beginning of the year, what is significant to the state level of the territories...

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Organize our territories

​ It begins to move the side of our institutions. Finally a law commission examined the future of our territorial organization. Having read this report, I see Some interesting ideas and real dangers. Let's start with the dangers. Wanting to stop cross-financing...

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PS, Signing to engage.

My choice Was not immediate. Recognize the differences be three motions Aubry, Delanoe and Royal are shades.So Rather I Studied Intensely more nuanced thesis are two items That are significant to me, Europe and territories. Fast Nevermind territories,...

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